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Sunday, 1 September 2013

My personality :-) yes that is me

You're  Business Savvy

You’re not one to let a challenge pass you by and the buzz of working hard is what makes you tick. You’re straightforward, self-disciplined and committed. You have a reputation for coming up with creative and practical solutions but you’re not just an ideas person. You are also a high achiever willing to put in the hours to make things happen. Above all, you’ve got your feet on the ground and know that you’ll always be judged on your most recent performance.
From an early age you've definitely been something of a purist at heart. You have a strong respect for hard work and dedication in any aspect of life.
Asking about the latest book you've got on the go is probably the best way to get you talking. You like to lose yourself in another world or lifetime, as each page is turned you become more involved with the plot and characters and increasingly enjoy the sensation of fueling your imagination and knowledge.
When it comes to travel, you love to get as far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life as possible. Being the culturally adventurous person you are, the kind of holiday you crave is one that's well off the beaten track and combines the sights and sounds of the exotic with something historical to really get your mind racing.
To sum it up in a few words, you love the mystery of life. You are not someone who only sees the humdrum of human existence - you like to marvel at the wonders of nature and universe.

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