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Sunday, 16 June 2013

My dream for India

I have been walking on the streets of India.  People may see the cars that are going on the streets, but I see the people who are sleeping rough on the roadside. My heart aches for them - for those who are begging to live their life.  I can only see poverty everywhere.  I see a sense of  desperation.  I can only see stress in the eyes of these hapless citizens of  India. Vikas [progress] should reach them... I was brought-up in poverty.  Perhaps that may be one of the reasons why I feel more empathy towards the ordinary struggling citizens of India. But that does not matter. Instead of enjoying the sight of an expensive branded car, I mourn the person who does harsh manual labour to carry on his living.  I feel sorry for that hapless poor citizen of India, in spite of  his failing health and starving stomach, who has to drive a manual rickshaw to feed his wife and children.  It is definitely not a pleasant sight for the eyes to see and intellect to think....

At present the riches which are entering India are getting arrested in the bank vaults of only rich people.  I think nation's wealth should spread like water, it should spread everywhere reaching unhindered all corners of nation.  Any policy that makes this possible is welcome!  I dream that all citizens of India should be able to live a standard minimum lifestyle. They should feel that they are enjoying their life in India.   

Unfortunately, today's ordinary citizen of India is not enjoying the wealth of India. We only know the statistics of 26000 farmers who committed suicide during the last four years; or the story of 14000 infants who lose their life on hospital beds on a regular basis. 

At present India's freedom is arrested due to the corruption introduced in to the bureaucratic system because of the Socialistic way of governance.  What India needs is not socialism. it needs ethical conservatism, it needs classical liberalism.  India had a great ethical conservative and classical liberal past.  It lost its way during the course of time. It is time to change the course.  It is time for a fresh new thinking.

You must know why I like Narendra Modi.  He brought great wealth to Gujarat state.  And all citizens of Gujarat are enjoying the fruits of these richness.  You must know that Gujarat is the least corrupt state in the entire India.  It is businessmen friendly, means it has less corruption.  In AP many business people who did business with the Government are spending time in Jail, they were put in jail on corruption charges --- where as, in Gujarat businessmen are increasing their workforce and bringing in money to the state's development.  

India really needs development. Fruits of that development should reach to the roots of India the 'aam aadmi of India' the common vote casting citizen of India.  It does not matter which religion this 'citizen of India' belong to; it does not matter which caste he belongs to.  All that matters is  'aam aadmi' (ordinary folk) the citizen of India should live a happy life. 

Government should not force the starving citizen to feel false patriotism.  He should not be *compelled* to shout *Jai Hiind* or *Bharat Mata ki jai* when the nation for which he is swearing his elegance is starving him to death; forcing him to deprived human conditions, making him unemployed; allowing greedy rich people to hoard money in front of his eyes while branding anyone who rebels against the unfair system as 'terrorist'.  India should be fair.  It can't be fair to only certain sections of the people!   It is hypocrisy to ask citizens to sing patriotic songs when the leaders who are ruling them are deliberately keeping them in poverty, when owls rule the land darkness surrounds the land.

The 'aam admi' of India should see the fruits of the 'Vibrant India' as it is happening now in the state of Gujarat.  It should be vibrancy everywhere! 

That kind of vikas is only possible by strong leaders like Modi and Dr. Subramaniam Swamy.   No doubt, even today Congress party has good leaders, but it has become a white elephant with too many overheads.  Sometimes it is best to inject fresh breeze into the democratic process.  It is time bring in new leaders into driving seat.  

My dream for India is Narendra Modi as Prime Minister and Dr. Subramanian Swamy as defense minister.  Both are very strong leaders.  They are not known to retreat from their battles.  India needs strong governance and a 'no-nonsense' defense policy. 

I am sure, under their leadership in India - miracles take place right in front of our eyes. India's name and fame will conquer the world. - Madhava Turumella 

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