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Friday, 17 May 2013

I think IPL is not good for India

I never bothered to watch IPL. It is not that I don't like cricket. Basically watching it takes away too much of quality time. More over, I am convinced IPL is not good for India. We know that 40% of India's population is poor. They struggle to live their life. We also know that IPL gets hefty sponsorship money from various FMCG companies. There is no such thing called 'Free Lunch'. In fact, these IPL sponsoring companies are not doing any charity! They pass on this IPL sponsorship cost to their buyers. So in the end, a toilet soap which should cost 1 rupee will cost 2 rupees because of the sponsorship. Thus, it is the poor person of India who suffers from this unwanted, unexplained corporate imposed indirect taxes!! The reality is that the poor person of India is paying for the Middle class people to watch Cricket. Poor person of India thinks he is buying a toilet soap, but he is paying for middle class people to watch cricket. Now we came to know it is a total scandal. IPL is a total fixed up match. Sub ke sub chor hai...

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